Hopkins tells the story of life, death, and memories through beautiful cemetery art photography in her book debut.
Over 150 photographs of centuries-old cemeteries fill the pages of the book. There is an astonishing variety of styles and types, from the traditional builds to brilliantly styled, with seemingly limitless variations of expressive headstones, statues, and grave markers. The stunning photographs accompanied by deeply poignant and meaningful poetry, prose, hymns, and epitaphs from centuries-old cemeteries across America and Canada breathe life into the existence of those long-departed.
Among the captivating snapshots are West Jonesport Cemetery, Jonesport, ME; Common Ground Cemetery, Newport, RI; Christ Church Cemetery, St. Simon’s Island, GA; photograph of Green Cemetery, Glastonbury, CT, accompanied by verse at entrance to “Copps Hill Burying Ground:” “Come, let us turn through yon untrodden avenue/ and muse where rest the ancient dead…./ We speak to them who speak no more and listen for their words,/ Forgetful that the interminable veil is drawn between us,” and many more.
Throughout, Hopkins adds personal reflections from her own family’s experience. Set against wide-ranging backdrops, these small structures illuminate the final repository of countless hopes and dreams. A sumptuous, nostalgic ode to a North American tradition.