By the mid 1800’s, city cemeteries became more crowded and new scientific knowledge raised concern about the danger of infection from decaying bodies. Again from Europe came the idea of creating park-like cemeteries outside the city limits, often accessible by trolley or train for family excursions to visit loved ones. Attention was paid to grand plantings on hilly terrain. Multi-generation family plots were developed, giving a sense of continuity. Wealthy families hired artists and architects to memorialize them with statues, obelisks, and mausoleums. Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven was an early model for development as the garden cemetery concept spread west and south. As attitudes evolved towards the belief in a pleasant afterlife, angel statuary added a soothing balance to the landscape. Greek and Egyptian motifs continued to be featured, especially in the grand monuments. Single headstones developed more decorative elements as attention was concentrated on unique designs.